New Jersey students can’t wait to get back on track.
NJ Teachers’ Advice for Parents Series
Families – we know you are concerned about making sure your children are learning and getting back on grade level this year. We’re here to help with resources and research to help you gauge where your student is and how to work with your teachers and school to support your student. You can take action in the following ways:
• Tell Your School What YOU See and What You Think Your Child Needs: Talk to your child’s teacher, school counselor, or school leaders about what you are seeing with your child and if you are worried about any skills. Ask how you can work together to investigate what your child’s needs and work on a plan to address those needs. Click here for more resources on this.
• Tell Your School What You Think Is Missing: Talk to your school and district leaders and/or your local school board members about concerns that need to be addressed on a broader scale. Go to a school board meeting, write an e-mail to the board, or bring up your thoughts at a PTA or parent meeting. Maybe you are concerned about funding decisions, curriculum, or policies about accelerating learning. Click here for more resources on this.
• Look for Opportunities to Be More Connected to Learning: If you want to get involved in additional ways, you could consider becoming a tutor or a teacher, running for school board, joining the board of a charter school, or other ways to support New Jersey students. Now more than ever before, we need all hands on deck to address students’ needs.
Parents – We also welcome you to share more information below about your biggest concern for your child, and we’ll follow up with additional resources for you.
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The past year has been full of changes for students and parents alike. As your child heads back to school this year, we know how imperative it is to ensure their needs are being met.
Here is a checklist of questions that schools and districts across the state need to answer:
New Jersey School Districts Have Solutions
Promising practices can be found in leading districts across our state. Learn more about these New Jersey best practices here!

Additional Resources
Below are some additional resources you and your child can use for support from our partner organizations to start the school year off strong.
This personalized letter introduces your family to your child’s new teacher so they can best support them from the start of the school year.
This online tool shares information with your child’s teacher about his or her unique needs.
These Family Guides provide parents and caregivers with the information and tools they need to support their children academically.
Estas Guías Familiares brindan a los padres y los proveedores de cuidado la información y las herramientas que necesitan para apoyar académicamente a sus hijos.
These 10-Second Math Check-Ups are just that: a quick, fun way to find out if your child is ready on the most critical skills – without taking a test.
Using this tool, you can gauge your child’s progress in key reading and math skills (K-8th grade).
Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom.
The NJ Tutoring Corps is a Statewide program that helps students in English Language Arts and math.
About Us
#NJKidsCantWait was launched by JerseyCAN with one goal in mind: to put students’ needs first to ensure they are healthy, supported, and learning in the best environment possible.
We believe that:
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