Questions for Parents to Consider
Now that the school year is well underway for your child, here are some questions you can raise with your child’s teacher or school staff to gauge his/her needs and goals:
• I know that my child is reading at level <x – added by parent>. What’s a good goal for growth by the end of the next marking period? What’s the right goal for the end of the school year?
• Are there guided readers available in the classroom?
• Can my child’s teacher make recommendations re: the best books for her level?
• Other than reading level, what should we focus on for the remainder of the year? How is my child’s stamina with reading? How about comprehension skills?
• What are the top 2-3 reading skills my child needs to grasp this year?
• How can I help my child achieve these goals?
• What are the most critical skills my child needs to grasp this year in math?
• What are the most important math facts we should practice at home in the next marking period? Over the course of this year?
• Is my child’s reading level/ability impacting their math work?
• Are there gaps in math for my child that we can focus on at home?
• If need be, is there challenge/enrichment work or other workbooks/online resources that you recommend to challenge my child?
• What are some of the key ways that math is being taught differently today compared to when I learned it? And can we meet further so I can understand this better to help my child at home?
Use of Diagnostic Results:
• What diagnostic information has my school gathered so far on reading level/math competency?
• When will I get the results from Start Strong and any other diagnostic tests that have been given so far?
• How is my child’s teacher/school using the information learned in the diagnostic assessment to help close gaps/challenge my child?
Other Key Questions:
• What are some stretch goals for my child?
• Who can I speak to if my child is struggling with academics?
• Who can I speak to if my child is struggling with mental health?
• What are the learning platforms that are available at home for practicing these skills and goals outlined above?
• What is my child’s school doing in regards to COVID-19 protocols and safety?
• What tools/curriculum are being used this year to measure and address my child’s social and emotional needs and abilities?